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Basic principles or principles or basic elements of Marxism

Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin

Ideology: Marxism, Leninism

Basic principles or principles or basic elements of Marxism

(1) Contradictory Materialism: One of the most important elements of Marxism is dialectical materialism. Karl Marx’s dialectical materialism complements Hegel’s dialectical idealism The core of Karl Marx’s dialectical materialism is that the world is in shambles. Every object in the world is interdependent and this material world is not fixed or static, it is always changing. In every object and event there exist contradictory religions, they are Bad (Thesis), Anti thesis (Anti thesis) and Synthesis (Synthesis). According to Marx, society and state structures change because of changes in productive forces and relations of production.

• Contradiction of Contradictions: According to conflictual materialism, contradictions are present in every object and phenomenon and the contradiction or contradiction between them is the main cause of change in objects or social change. For example, in a capitalist society, the conflict between the capitalist owner and the working class is the main reason for social change. For example, in a capitalist society, the conflict between the capitalist owner and the working class is the main reason for social change. Conflicting religions work together in every object and event. As (—,-= +) According to contradictory materialism, contradictions of opposites can be of different types. Such as hostile and non-hostile conflicts, internal and external conflicts, etc.

• Quantitative change in matter leads to qualitative change: According to this theory, inherent contradictions constantly cause quantitative change in matter, which ultimately leads to qualitative change. At a certain point of change, its revolutionary transformation leads to development in society. According to Marx, the process of quantitative change in capitalist society was followed by qualitative change through revolution to create a socialist society. In the dialectical process, the conflict of opposite forces results in a qualitative change from a quantitative change in matter.

• Negation of the leader or negation of the negation: Unless the old is negated, the new does not emerge. In the new order the old is replaced and changed, more new ones are born. This is how feudal society developed by rejecting slave society, capitalist society by rejecting feudal society, and socialist society by rejecting capitalist society.

(2) Historical Materialism: One of the most important elements of Marxism is historical materialism. The application of the principles of conflictual materialism to the practice of social life is called historical materialism. Historical materialism does not stop at explaining the history of the development of society and its various organizations, this theory contemplates what the future social system will look like. Engels said, Marx discovered the scientific principles of human history just as Darwin discovered the law of evolution of the living world.

• Main point: The main point of historical materialism is that the history of all forms of social order, from primitive communist societies to the present day, is the history of class struggle. The root cause of this struggle is the conflict of economic interests between the exploiter and the exploited. Economics is the key driver. Social, political and other aspects of human society are governed by economics. Economy is the base of society, law, religion-judiciary or court and art, literature are the superstructure. The economy rests on the production system. Two aspects of the production system are nature and labor power. Again, two aspects of the production system are (1) Productive power: Productive power refers to labor power and machine power and (2) Production relations: Production relations refer to the relationship between man-man, worker-owner in the production process.

• Causes of social change: Karl Marx explained historical materialism that society changes as a result of conflict between the two parts of the production system i.e. productive forces and relations of production. For example, Marx said that in primitive communist societies there was no private ownership of production and therefore no class distinctions or exploitation. But later in the slave society, the slave owners created private ownership of the means of production, then through revolutions or revolts, the feudal lords later came into the hands of the capitalists. At this time, the production system continued to be in constant conflict between the two parts of the production system, thus the society changed through conflict.

• Surplus Value Theory: Surplus value theory is a very important basic theory of Marxism. Surplus value is one of the means by which the capitalist creates capital and exploits the worker in a capitalist society. According to Marx, the product produced by the combination of raw materials, machinery and labour, is the product of the labor of the worker. Laborers sell labor for subsistence but receive as wages only a fraction of the value of what the laborer produces in a day’s labor. Surplus value can be said to be the surplus value that is not paid to the laborer over the value of the product. This surplus value is the source of capitalists’ profits. By appropriating this surplus value, capitalists exploit the workers. For example (value of product created in total labor time is value of total labor time).

• Causes of social change: Karl Marx explained historical materialism that society changes as a result of conflict between the two parts of the production system i.e. productive forces and relations of production. For example, Marx said that in primitive communist societies there was no private ownership of production and therefore no class distinctions or exploitation. But later in the slave society, the slave owners created private ownership of the means of production, then through revolutions or revolts, the feudal lords later came into the hands of the capitalists. At this time, the production system continued to be in constant conflict between the two parts of the production system, thus the society changed through conflict.

• Surplus Value Theory: Surplus value theory is a very important basic theory of Marxism. Surplus value is one of the means by which the capitalist creates capital and exploits the worker in a capitalist society. According to Marx, the product produced by the combination of raw materials, machinery and labour, is the product of the labor of the worker. Laborers sell labor for subsistence but receive as wages only a fraction of the value of what the laborer produces in a day’s labor. Surplus value can be said to be the surplus value which is not paid to the laborer over the value of the product produced. This surplus value is the source of capitalists’ profits. By appropriating this surplus value, capitalists exploit the workers. For example (value of product created in total labor time is value of total labor time).

(3) Theory of Class Struggle: One of the most important elements of Marxism is the theory of class struggle. In The Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx said that the history of all societies that have ever existed is the history of class struggle. As no private property existed in primitive communist society, there was no class conflict or conflict in that society. But later with the emergence of private property the class struggle intensified. Class struggle occurred in England, France and Germany at various times in history. In 1917, the October Revolution led by Lenin in Russia led to the establishment of socialism.

The essence of Karl Marx’s theory of class struggle is that every society that has existed in the world (except slave society, feudal society, capitalist society, early communist society) has the existence of two opposing classes, the owner and the worker. Between these two classes the capitalist social system conflict intensified. The working class or proletariat waged an economic, political and ideological struggle for the destruction of the capitalist social system. Finally, a classless, exploitative communist society was established under the dictatorship of the capitalist or proletariat.

(4) State theory: Karl Marx thinks that the state is not an eternal institution and not a benevolent institution, the state is an artificial institution based on force or power. In ancient times there was no state. Primitive communist societies were stateless. Later, due to the emergence of private property, when differences (conflicts) or class conflicts arise among people, there is a need for exploitation and force, so people as a special force in society create the institution called state. Hence, Engels said, the state was created as a symbol of power due to class discrimination. According to him, based on animal power the organization called state has been created (”The State became a necessity because of this cleavage”).

• State is an instrument of classification: According to Marx, the state is an instrument of classification. According to him, the state did not originate from the beginning of social life. At a particular stage of the economic evolution of the society, when the society was divided into two opposing classes, the possessive exploiters and the propertyless oppressed class, the conflict between these two classes began. The instrument of coercion needed to secure property ownership is the state. The minority property class exploits the majority propertyless class through the state.

According to Marxists, once the proletariat (majority of the propertyless class) destroys the capitalist state (an instrument of exploitation of the minority) through revolution, it establishes a dictatorship of the proletariat. Where the state will not act as an instrument of exploitation. A classless, exploitation-free communist society will be established. The state as an instrument of exploitation will be abolished (The State will wither away) And then a better communist society without class, without exploitation will be established. The principle of this society is that everyone should work according to his ability and share according to need (From each according to his capacity, to each according to his need).

(5) Theory of Revolution: Another principle of Marxism is the theory of revolution. There is no universally accepted definition of revolution in sociology. According to bourgeois theorists, revolution is a process of change of government in a sudden and violent manner. In other words, revolution is the breaking of the existing social system and the formation of another government instead of one government or the transfer of power from one class to another. According to Marxists, a revolution is a historical process through which radical changes take place in every aspect of society, replacing one ruling class with another progressive ruling class.

In one word, revolution means change. According to Marxism, revolution is a social process that destroys the old social system and builds a new society on its ruins. In a word, the revolution occurs as a result of the internal conflict of class discrimination society, revolution is the driving force or midwife of history (Locomotive Force). According to Marx, as a result of the revolution, all kinds of social, economic, political exploitation will end and an exploitation-free classless society will be formed. According to Lenin, revolution is not a frenzy of violence, revolution is a celebration of the oppressed and exploited.

Conclusion: After analyzing the above principles or elements or principles of Marxism, it must be said that Marxism is the only way to escape from the curse of the suffering of the poor, working people who have been cursed so far in the present world. Because Marxism is a worldview (World outlook) When various political scientists criticize Marxism, no one in the present world can deny the importance of the path that Marx has taken for the liberation of the exploited and deprived people of the society.

collected : Bangladesh Revolutionary Workers Party

Outline the role of Lenin in the Great October (Bolshevik) Revolution of 1917. Why is he called the creator of socialist Russia?

Although the March Revolution brought an end to Tsarism, the November Revolution took place to establish the rule of the ‘proletariat’ i.e. the common people. Initially, the military government enjoyed popular support. The so-called communist policies of the Mensheviks appealed to the workers and the land redistribution policies of the Social Revolutionaries appealed to the peasants. Lenin’s usual expectations of the Russian people from this military government were: (1) an end to war, (2) distribution of land among the peasants, (3) an eight-hour work period, (4) relief from famine and economic crisis, and (5) national tyranny. And an end to oppression.

1. Lenin’s April Theses
But the bourgeois self-interested military government failed to fulfill the initial expectations of the people. Anti-people war continued. At this time Lenin, the leader of the Bolshevik party, returned from exile in Switzerland (April 1917).Lenin hoped that Russia would face disaster when he launched his planned social revolution
The German authorities arranged for Lenin and others to reach the Russian border from Switzerland in a Dhaka train. On reaching Petrograd he announced his famous ‘April Theses’ to the Bolsheviks. Based on this, a program of transition to social revolution was drawn up at the All-Russian Conference of the Communist Party. Its main principle was: give all power to the Soviets. This transfer of power will be peaceful. Once in power the Soviets’ program would be: to propose peace to the states based on democratic principles; establishing state control over production, distribution and banks; Nationalization of important industries: eight-hour work period for workers; confiscation of the land of the jotdars and distribution among the peasants; Removal of opportunities or barriers that breed racism etc.Lenin said that instead of waiting for the inevitable crisis of the bourgeois regime, the workers’ revolution should be carried out with the bourgeois revolution, and in the end the workers will win, that is, the opportunity has come to establish a socialist society and the dictatorship of the common people (proletariat) without the steps of capitalism and democracy. So the Bolsheviks must seize power. He called upon the Russian army and workers to join the coming revolution.

2. Content of the April Theses In the April Theses, Lenin stated that,
A. Through the February revolution, the first stage of the revolution, the class consciousness and organization of the proletariat (proletariat working class) is not enough, the power of the country has fallen into the hands of the bourgeoisie, in the second stage of the revolution, the proletariat allied with the poor peasants will be in power. At this level the bourgeois democratic revolution will inevitably turn into a socialist revolution. b. He pointed out that the parliamentary type of republic does not accept. …. A return from Soviets of Workers’ Representatives to parliamentary or parliamentary republics would be a retrograde step. The socialist revolution would be completed by the Soviet taking power from the Parliamentary Provisional Government. Therefore, the party cannot trust or support the Provisional Government.. c. According to him, it is not possible for the military government to give peace, food, land or freedom to the people. Only the Soviets of Workers’ and Soldiers’ Deputies would actually stop the war. Peasants will get land and caste oppression will disappear. For this, a collective Soviet republic of workers, peasants and farm laborers must be built throughout the country from the highest to the lowest levels. To achieve these things, Lenin raised the slogan ‘I want power in the hands of the Soviets’.

According to Lenin, the soviets were supporting the military government because the people had enough confidence in it, and because the Bolshevik representatives were in the minority in the soviets, the provisional bourgeois government could not be overthrown at the moment. … So long as the bourgeoisie has influence over this government, the Bolsheviks patiently persist.

• Criticizing the tactical mistakes of the Provisional Government clearly in mind will convince the people in the light of their daily experience that the revolutionary rule of the people cannot be established unless the Soviets have the entire state power. State power in the hands of the Soviets would end the imperialist war and conclude a universal democratic peace treaty. The Russian people cannot cooperate with the present bourgeois government in this war. f. With the aim of transitioning to socialism in the future, he said that a national bank would be established along with the nationalization of all Russian banks, the control of the Soviets over production and distribution of manufactured goods would be established along with the nationalization of all large monopolistic factories. G. Nationalized all lands by expropriating zamindari without compensation
Land will be distributed among farmers. h. Lenin said that the right to full self-determination of the various nationalities living in Russia, including the right to establish independent states, would be recognized and no discrimination would be made between the various nationalities. For the sake of socialist revolution, it is necessary to establish a single political party, trade union, cooperative etc. among the workers of the entire nation.
In the April Theses, Lenin called for a peaceful transfer of power to the Soviets.

The April Theses did not have a program to establish socialism immediately. However, if this program is implemented, it would be a step towards socialism.
While Lenin belonged to the Russian Social Democratic Workers Party (RSDLP) presented the April Theses at the joint meeting when the Mensheviks ridiculed him. A Menshevik leader named Boris Bogdanov called the April Theses a ‘madman’s delusion’.(The ravings of a madman) Called.

Two of the Bolsheviks opposed it. They did not believe in socialism. Kollontai was the first of the Bolsheviks to support the April thesis. On April 24, 1917, at the Seventh Congress of the All-Russian Bolshevik Party, Lenin’s April Theses was approved after extensive discussion. The whole party is united and strengthened based on the decision of this conference. The party appeared before the people with this programme.
3. Importance of April Thesis
The Bolsheviks popularized the April Theses program widely. They explained the party’s program to the workers, peasants and soldiers and called for a socialist revolution. At this time, the Bolshevik Party exposed the anti-people face of the Provisional Bourgeois Government to the people. As members of the RSLP, the soviets had representatives of the Bolsheviks as well as the Mensheviks and Socialist Revolutionaries. Rather, until the first part of June 1917, the influence of the Mensheviks and Socialist Revolutionaries was greater in the Soviets. Following Lenin’s April Theses, the Bolsheviks’ public relations activities increased the number of Bolshevik and Communist Party representatives in the workers’ and soldiers’ soviets. The Provisional Government lost public support for various reasons.The reasons were (1) The Provisional Government, ignoring the demands of the army and the public, resolved to continue the war until the Russo-land was freed from the hands of the enemy, the Germans. The government did not pay attention to the sufferings of the countrymen due to the war. This destroys their public support. (2) When the peasants demanded the eviction of zamindari and distribution of land, the military bourgeois government ignored it and said that effective measures would be taken after the general elections if the war was won. (3) The Provisional Government declared that these demands would be met at the end of the war if the workers demanded 8 hours of work and legislation and fair wages. Workers and peasants did not believe in this belated promise of the government. Again the army did not want to fight this lost war in vain. They were desperate for peace.The Provisional Government lost the support of the common soldiers with a policy of going against these demands. It should be noted that the Bolshevik Party has already given assurances on all these matters. For these reasons the popularity of the Provisional Government decreased and the influence of the Bolsheviks increased.
At the All-Russian Congress of Soviets held on June 3, 1917, the Bolsheviks demanded ’state power in the hands of the Soviets’ and ‘cease the war’, but the Congress rejected it and supported the military government’s demand to continue the war.
The Provisional Bourgeois Government gradually became afraid of the influence of the Bolsheviks. The government launched a violent campaign against the Bolshevik Party and Lenin, as well as against Germany.The southern Russia campaign on 18 June 1917 failed and resulted in approximately 60,000 civilian casualties.As a result, everyone’s confidence in this government is lost. However, the government wants to put the blame for this failure on the shoulders of Lenin and the Bolsheviks. They say that the Bolsheviks demoralized the soldiers by opposing the war. People did not believe this campaign.

4. Slogan of peace bread and land
Lenin also said that if the Soviets under the leadership of the Bolsheviks gained power, the war-weary soldiers would get peace i.e. the end of the war, the workers would get ‘bread’ and the landless i.e. the peasants would get ‘land’. In short, the slogan of “Bread and Land of Peace” increased the popularity of the Bolsheviks.

5. July’s failed coup
In July 1917, all power was to be given to the Soviets Many workers and soldiers gathered in the streets of Petrograd to demand. On the orders of the military government, this peaceful gathering was fired upon. Kerensky assumed the premiership. A systematic repression of the Bolsheviks began. | Fearing for his life, Lenin took refuge in Finland

6. Kornilov’s failed military coup
However, the revolution continued in full swing. As the military government was unable to suppress the revolution, Kornilov, the commander-in-chief supported by the bourgeoisie, tried to seize power through a military coup. But the workers and the soldiers of Petrograd and other cities and the sailors of the Baltic fleet foiled the coup.
Industrialists shut down factories to educate revolutionary workers. As a result, production drops drastically. The country is full of wage reduction, unemployment, smuggling.

7. Economic crisis
The misery of the common people has increased. Arbitrary suppression of the provisional government continued. During this crisis, the popularity of the Bolsheviks increased tremendously. Workers occupied factories and drove out owners, in many cases trying to keep production going. Soviets were formed in various places. Disturbed soldiers left the battlefield and returned to the country and joined the Bolsheviks.

8. Bolsheviks seize power
When power could not be handed over to the Soviets by peaceful means, and it became known that the Provisional Government was handing Petrograd over to them in order to obtain German aid to suppress the revolution, the Bolsheviks called upon the workers and soldiers to unite with the peasantry and overthrow the Provisional Government by force and establish a Soviet government. . Accordingly, the soviets began to take over local governance in villages and towns. These were dominated by the Bolsheviks. On the other hand, Trotsky, Lenin’s right-hand man, overthrew the Kerensky government on November 7 (October 25 according to the old calendar) with the help of an improvised Red Army made up of Bolshevik volunteers. Thus the November (or October) Revolution was organized when the Bolshevik government was established under the leadership of Lenin.
5.8 Reasons for the success of the October 1917 or Bolshevik Revolution All these elements played a vital role in the success of the March Revolution
They are:

1. A weak monarchy lacks the support of an army
The Russian monarchy was autocratic but incompetent and weak. Popular support for this monarchy waned. The Tsarshasan did not even have the support of the army behind him. In fact, the main pillar of power of dictatorship in all countries is the military. Deprived of its support, the existence of autocracy is endangered. In this context, after the memorable 1905 Russian revolution, the army had the support, but later the revolutionaries did not get that support.

2. Lessons of the Revolution of 1905
The lessons of the 1905 revolution did little to help the success of the March revolution. Although this revolution failed, the revolutionaries investigated the reasons for that failure and tried to eliminate their faults. These organizations were modeled on the revolutionary councils and soviets they formed during the revolution
B Both revolutions of 1917 (March and November revolutions) were successful.This is why Ne Lenin rightly said that “the success of the October Revolution of 1917 would not have been possible without the dress rehearsal of the 1905 revolution.”

3. Unity of goals of leadership and revolutionaries
The bourgeois leadership of the March Revolution and the apparent disharmony of the interests of the revolutionaries were responsible for its failure. The so-called communist policies of the Mensheviks disillusioned the Russian workers and the land redistribution policies of the Social Revolutionaries disillusioned the peasants. Thus the bourgeois-labour-peasant alliance strengthens the revolution.In this context, it may be recalled that one of the reasons for the failure of the Russian Revolution of 1905 was the difference in goals between the leadership and the revolutionaries. The aim of the bourgeois leadership was to replace the feudal autocracy with a ‘bourgeois democratic’ system in which the people would gain political rights. On the other hand, the common people or the proletariat aimed to establish a socialist system by struggling against the bourgeoisie.Eventually, however, workers and peasants became disillusioned with bourgeois leadership and turned to the November Revolution.

4. Weakness of military government
On the other hand, the success of the November Revolution was based on the weakness of the regime led by Prince Luvov and later by Kerensky. The military government actually continued to maintain the existence of the old regime. Workers-peasants-soldiers realized within a few days that this regime protecting bourgeois interests could not fulfill any of their hopes. So they became active in its destruction.

5. Appropriate environment and competent leadership
Russia’s series of disasters in the First World War, scarcity of daily necessities, food shortages, etc., created a perfect environment for revolution. Along with Lenin’s appropriate leadership. This expansion quickly led the November revolution to success. When the Provisional Government was losing popularity, Lenin’s leadership established the unity of the revolutionary workers and peasants on a solid foundation.of
The extraordinarily pragmatic Lenin joined the people with the slogan of ‘peace, land and bread’, and the active Sagan of a large part of the army.
He reached the point. So the people risked their lives to join the revolution and were guided in the right direction by the leadership of Lenin and his well-organized Bolshevik party.

6. Favorable international situation
The subsequent international situation was also to some extent responsible for the success of the November Revolution. The imperialist superpowers of the world were divided into conflicting camps and at war. They could not hastily intervene in Russia and destroy the socialist November Revolution.

7. Weakness of counter-revolutionary forces
The weakening of counterrevolutionary forces within Russia also paved the way for the success of the November Revolution. The coups against the November Revolution were not coordinated. On the other hand, after the end of the First World War, the imperialist countries based on Russian communism, such as England, France, America, Japan, etc., intervened in Russia’s internal affairs by campaigning against the revolutionaries.The famous Red Army was formed under the leadership of Trotsky to counter the attacks of internal counter-revolutionary forces and imperialist forces. The well-organized and well-equipped Red Army successfully repulsed this attack.

8. Support of farmers/labourers
Finally, after the Bolshevik Revolution, land was distributed among peasants to alleviate land hunger. In all these lands the vested interests of the peasants developed. Fearing that these would be lost to them if the revolution failed, the peasantry gave unstinting support to the revolutionaries. In fact the full support of the poor peasants and workers ensured the success of the November Revolution.

9. Lenin’s privileged leadership
The real name of Lenin, the main hero of the Russian Revolution, was Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov. Lenin was born in 1870 in a middle-class family in Kazan province. of Lenin History of Russia and Soviet Union 1945 AD. up to The family had a revolutionary heritage.His elder brother was hanged for plotting against the Tsar. The death of his elder brother had a profound effect on Lenin. He vowed to overthrow the monarchy. Lenin was a very bright student, graduating first in the first class in law at Kazan University, but was unable to find a job or advocate. From his student days he was attracted to Marxism and joined the Social Democratic Party. He was caught by the police for his revolutionary activities and was exiled from his homeland. He spent his days in exile in Switzerland. From Switzerland, he was secretly in touch with the Social Democratic Party of his homeland. While in exile abroad, Lenin constantly pondered how to establish socialism in Russia. He discussed the right path of socialism in Russia through many articles in the magazine Ikara. Lenin believed that it would not be possible to establish socialism through parliamentary democracy in Russia. Russian society was backward compared to various countries of Western Europe. He believed that multi-party democracy was not suitable for Russia. Moreover, he thought about the rights of the Russian workers in the way of class struggle according to the Marxist theory. That is why he emphasized on the awakening of class consciousness among the Russian workers by spreading Marxist theory, workers are the tools of the revolution. He believed that only the proletarian workers were capable of bringing revolution. Lenin was not an idle thinker. His ability to translate ideals into action was his keen practical knowledge. He could work hard. He could convey his words very well. He firmly believed that the revolution in Russia would succeed and that the workers would win in the end.After the revolution in March 1917, when the Social Democratic Party was in limbo and unsure of its future course, Lenin returned from exile to oppose the Kerensky government at a moment of crisis. As a result, the Kerensky Republic’s war effort against Germany would be thwarted. That is why the Kaiser government helped him to return to his homeland.Lenin returned to Russia and announced the ‘April Theses’. He advised the Social Democrats not to cooperate with the Provisional Republic. He firmly said that the bourgeois revolution in Russia should not sit still. Government power must be seized by the workers, in the interests of the workers, by overthrowing the bourgeois republic. If you don’t take advantage of the opportunity that history has brought, this opportunity will not come again. Bourgeois government is still its root
Couldn’t expand.This is the perfect time to destroy it and there should be no delay. The majority of Communists responded to Lenin’s call. He informed about the approach of revolution in an article entitled “What should be done” in Iskara newspaper. He declared that this war was being waged to protect the interests of the imperialists. The Bolshevik Party would not support this war effort.Lenin said that the bourgeoisie did not cause the fall of the Tsarism in the March Revolution of 1917. Incessant strikes by communist labor unions led to the fall of the tsarist government. So rightly the Bolsheviks should come to power after the fall of the Tsar. The bourgeois republic took power from the middle and deceived the workers and the Bolsheviks. He dismissed the Mensheviks’ objection that “now is not the time for workers’ revolution”. He ridiculed them as indoctrinated communists.The Bolsheviks, led by Lenin, jumped into the November Revolution with the three slogans of “bread, land and peace”. The rootless Provisional Republic fell. The revolution was victorious. Lenin became the head of the revolutionary government. As foreign invasions began, Lenin defeated them and made Russian socialism victorious. His diplomatic skills and sound management saved the Russian Republic from catastrophe.When there was a crisis in food, industry and economy in Russia as a result of the work of extremist communists, Lenin left orthodox communism and started a new economy or NEP accepted.This nip or new economy was an indication of his pragmatism and foresight. NEP As a result of the introduction, the small farmers and small traders obeyed the revolutionary government. Lenin kept Marxism largely intact with his New Economics. Understanding the real situation in Russia, he had to compromise a little. That is why Lenin’s principles are called Marxism and Leninism. Lenin was well aware of the hostility of the capitalist countries of Europe against Soviet Russia. That is why he maintained his status in Russia against foreign powers without trying to compromise with them at any cost. Before this, he signed the Treaty of Brestlitovsk to make peace with Germany. This evening Russia accepted many losses. But the Anglo-French powers were furious at signing a unilateral treaty with Germany without consulting them. The signing of the Treaty of Versailles without Russia being invited to the Paris Peace Conference resulted in the formation of Russian borders in Eastern Europe without Russia’s consent. That is why Lenin called the Treaty of Versailles an imperialist conspiracy.When Western European countries did not recognize the newly formed Soviet government, Lenin was not disappointed. He signed the Treaty of Rapallo with Germany in protest of this boycott. This treaty is western History of Russia and Soviet Union 1945 AD. Stunned the countries. Eventually the Soviet government gained international recognition. When this great hero died in 1924, Russia was recognized as the motherland of the socialist movement in the world. There is no room for doubt about Lenin’s political genius, power of organization, ability to achieve goals once set. He was not the easy-going bourgeois politician of Western Europe. Through many storms, he built the socialist Russia.Although communists do not emphasize the role of the individual in history according to their doctrine; In the case of Lenin, they also acknowledged his achievements. He adapted Marxian abstract theory to Russian life Pragmative Or show the world the new path of practical communism by practical and practical application. J, N, Westwood (IN. Westwood) In his ‘History of Russia’ states that, “With keen political acumen, Lenin adapted Marxian theory to Russia. By the exercise of his quiet and strong will, he formed the state called Communist Russia. Among the Bolshevik leaders, Lenin was the only one who had the honesty and courage to admit his mistakes and to change his policy after admitting his mistakes. While acknowledging the success of Lenin’s thought, many doubt whether he would have been so successful without the help of dedicated colleagues like Trotsky and Stalin. Had Stalin’s Cheka and Trotsky’s Red Army not been formed during the civil war, the scope of his ideals would have been reduced. Second, the Bolsheviks showed stubbornness in the July Uprising of 1917. As a result, Lenin himself had to leave Russia and take refuge in Finland. Lack of practical knowledge of republican government, insistence on governance reduced their popularity. Lenin took his chance. It is a pity, according to liberal critics, that Lenin did not believe in parliamentary democracy. He formed the Constituent Assembly by general election in 1917 and when the Bolsheviks were in the minority, he dissolved the Constituent Assembly. He believed in one-party rule. He was not willing to share power with other parties in a parliamentary democracy. He ignored Trotsky’s objections to the April Theses. He did not accept the views of the Mensheviks. Some critics see directory tendencies in him. Lenin, however, said that if he believed in dictatorship it would be the dictatorship of the totalitarians or the proletariat. He wanted to mold Russia into socialism and succeeded.

collected : Bangladesh Revolutionary Workers Party

Published on: Monday, 2 November 2020, 05:29 pm   ▪   Last update: Sunday, 13 August 2023, 01:38 pm   ▪   Total View of this Page: 896

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